Guy Fawkes Night
Hello everyone Dan's back,Guy Fawkes night or bonfire/fireworks night as it is also known as, where the sky’s light up with some spectacular fire works displays and bonfires, that are as high as you can see. There is an annual competition on who has made the best Guy Fawkes out of rag-bag of old clothes and newspaper customarily burnt atop a bonfire. The tradition started in 1606. It’s a great night to spend outdoors rapped up with a cup of hot chocolate and a hot dog.

On 5th November bonfires and fireworks will be going off everywhere as Britain

Fact: Until 1959, it was illegal not to celebrate the date of Guy Fawkes arrest in England...

The first official Guy Fawkes' Night bonfire was lit on the night of the Gunpowder Plot on 5 November 1605,
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