London's Own Language
Cockney Rhyming Slang!
London isn’t only famous for the London eye and Houses of Parliament and all the other must see attractions, but also for something you can’t actually see, but only hear…….. Cockney Rhyming Slang! Cockney Rhyming slang is used daily by thousands of Londoners in everyday conversations and it is a language itself!
While walking around London you will hear phrases used continuously. So Cockney Rhyming Slang is Londons very own unique Language.
The word ‘Cockney’ is the term used to describe anyone said to born within the sound of the Bow Bells – The Bells of St. Mary Le Bow Church in Cheapside London.

Cockney rhyming slang used to be a form of Pidgin English (any language created spontaneously) designed so that the working Eastenders could have a good old chinwag without the posh Londoners knowing that they were talking about them. Now a days people just make it up for a laugh, so young streetwise Londoners say things like 'Ah mate, 'ad a right mare I did, got chucked out me pad, blew me lump, and now fings wiv the trouble and strife have gone all pete tong!'
Rhyming Slang works by replacing words with shorter phrases that rhyme with them often to quicken speech. The principle is to decide what it is you want to say, and then find words, which bear no real relation to what, you're going to say, but which rhyme loosely with your phrase. For instance, the term "Ricky Gervais" would be used to refer to one's face, as "Gervais" rhymes with "face".
Here are some examples:
Airs and Graces – Faces
April Showers – Flowers
Ha’ Penny Dip – Ship
King Lears - Ears
Noahs Arch – Park
Pigs Ear – Beer
Quaker Oat – Coat
Wobbly Jelly – Telly
You and Me – Tea
So if I were to say to you “There might be a bit of pleasure and pain in Steffi Graf, so brin’ your Quaker Oat”

I’m saying there might be a bit of Rain in Bath so bring your coat!!
So finally,
Me names Chloe and I 'ave just learnt Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I will be hammer and tack next bubble and squeak, Have a Robin Hood Day.
Bye for na.
(My names Chloe and I have just learnt Rhyming Cockney Slang, I will be back next week, have a good day. bye for now)
Anovver corn on the bloomin’ cob yogi bear play:
(Another job well done!)
“Dear Astral Tours,
Last Saturday, October 14th, we took the Stones and Bones tour from our hotel, Jurys Kensington in London. We had just spent a week and Ireland and found London a bit overwelming. Then came Saturday. We were picked up exactly on time by your driver and taken to a point where we switched buses. We then met our driver for the day David. I regret we did not get his last name.
Off we went to see Stonehenge. This was the most incredible day we spent in England. The tour was full of great places. The drive was enjoyable and relaxing. Lunch was fantastic. But the best part of the day was David!!! His extensive knowledge and style of imparting his knowledge made the day. He was very detailed without being boring or lecturing. He made Old Serum, Avebury, Silsbury and the Salsbury Chaple more interesting because of taking a few minutes to explain some history before letting us go on our own. He was concerned that he ran on time. He pointed out extra little sites on the drive.
Now let me tell you about Stonehenge. To see Stonehenge in person was a dream of my husband and I. When we arrived, of course we were very anxious to get to the stones. David stood and explained so much to us, we were dazzled. We didn't need to walk around with the electronic tour glued to our ears. This made the whole experience so much better than we imagined it would be. Again, his explanation was thorough, simple and exciting. We understood everything he said. We left awestruck by Stonehenge and by David.
Everywhere we went was the same. He is an amazing person who so obviously takes pride in himself, his country and his job. The fact that he is self taught and is so well read expressed all of this.
Please know that if we or anyone we know goes to London, we will highly recommend your tours and hopefully that we be able to experience a day with David as their guide.
This is a memory that we will cherish, talk about and have for a very long time.
Lastly, when we left the bus, he showed concern for our safety. He dropped us at our hotel door and commented that I should be very carefully about the way I was carrying my purse.
Please thank him for us again and let him know the impact he had on our first vacation out of our country.
Frank and Maureen”
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