Glastonbury this weekend
Well the weekend has almost landed so I suppose it time that you hear from one of the' old hands' in the office as you heard from all of the new staff earler this week. My names Michael and I've been with Astral Travels for around 9 years now working mainly in the office - besides the founders I'm the second longest serving employee.
Heading to Glastonbury this weekend and for those who haven't heard of the place it's a small town in rural Wiltshire. The drive from the office isn't too bad and as I've got freinds to stay with live just outside of town.

Glastonbury itself has many different sides to it - it one way it reflects what getting away from London and into the countryside is all about - people sre friendly then they are London and have more time to spend chatting - shopkeepers are glad to see you even if you aren't making a massive purchase. All in all it's a more laid back experience then London. Glastonbury besides being having the normal population of farmers and normal 'country folk' is also the new age centre of Britain - several lay (energy) lines cross the area and there are many myths and legends that are connected with the town itself. There's plenty to do in town - Glastonbury Abbey has the resting place of King Arthur and the Chalice Well Garden is where the Holy Grail was buried. The shops reflect what Glastonbury is about specialist book shops along with clothes shops and jewelery shops that are all run by local artists and craftsmen - the chain shops haven't found their way here yet - there's not a Starbucks in sight.

I'll probably climb the Tor (a huge man made hill) at dawn - it's a bit of trek but well worth when you get to the top - you can see for around 20 miles in all directions and there's a great mellow feeling you get watching the mist rise across the fields. No doubt I'' come back to work a new man on Monday.
Astral Travels is only tour company that visits Glastonbury - if you like the sounds of the above why not join us for day that you won't forget.
Click here for details.
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