Stonehenge - Icon of the U.K
After years of taking awe-struck people to visit Stonehenge we are pleased that the prehistoric monument is now being honoured - by the culture minister, no less. The project Icons - A Portrait of England was launched today and aims to help define English identity.
The site can be found at and the full list is as follows:
StonehengeJerusalemHolbein's portrait of Henry VIIIThe King James BibleS.S. Empire WindrushPunch & JudyAngel of the NorthThe FA CupA Cup of TeaAlice in WonderlandThe SpitfireThe Routemaster BusThe table will be updated every three months and each item to make it in to the top 10 on the list, which is expected to grow to around 150 items, will officially become a national icon.
So now is the perfect chance to visit a soon-to-be national icon of England -
click here for details of all our tours which visit StonehengeBye for now,
Happy New Year From Everyone In The Astral Travels Office

Hello and a Happy New Year,
Hope that you had a good 31st December - whatever you were up to. We took several people to Stonehenge for a
special access tour on the morning of New Years Eve - a truely magical way to end the year and look forward to the new.
Despite the underground strike London still celebrated in style with a fantastic firework display on the banks of the Thames. Transport for London also ensured that free buses ran into the wee small hours to guarantee that everyone could get home or to that late night party.
Now it's back to reality and we look forward to what will hopefully prove to be a good year for London and the UK as a whole. New for this year are our range of
extended tours of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and France offering a number of different departure points for more flexibility. We also have new dates for our exlusive
Stonehenge Special Access tour and have also now included a traditional English breakfast on the early morning departures (cereals, toasts and pasteries are also available for those who prefer a more continental approach). If the dates that you wish to travel is listed on the site then please don't hesitate to contact us as we may still be able to help you 'touch the stones'.
Now I don't think anyone looks forward to returning to work after Christmas and New Year but a very toucing email was awaiting the Astral office which made it seem not quite so bad.
Greetings Sasha and others at Astral.
My wife, son and his wife (Crissi) enjoyed the Stones and Bones tour in November. In Avebury, my daughter in law sat in the "devils chair" (so identified by our guide)(I will send the pic next). The guide (sorry the gentleman's name does not come to mind) noted that if a woman sat there she would become pregnant. I just want you to know it worked! Crissi became pregnant about two weeks later. You might want to note this "service" in your brochure, of course, without guarantees.
Bob Rawlins
Lexington, Kentucky
USAThe Devil's Chair is one of the most massive stones within Avebury stone cirlcle and sits where the West Kennet avenue joins the circle. It is named because of the natural formation of a seat within the stone. It is rumored that woem who sit on the Devil's Chair will become pregnant and now we have the proof! Congratulations to the Rawlins family and hope that one day you will bring the baby on tour with us!!!
And on that note I will say goodbye and wish everyone again a happy and prosperous New Year,